The goal of our Children’s Ministry is to provide children with the tools they need for faith in Jesus Christ, a desire to be obedient to Him, and a love for Him that will remain throughout their lifetimes. Sunday School classes are arranged by school-grade for K through 6th grade.
Children's Ministry
Sunday School
Classes for children are designed to introduce, reinforce, and explore Scripture – its meaning and application to their lives. Using age-specific curriculum that complements the studies being done throughout the congregation, children receive solid instruction, hands-on learning, and encouraging support by loving, dedicated teachers.
Children's Church
Offered twice a month and conducted as an option to the sermon-portion of the main church service, our Children's Church provides teaching that is designed to be understood and applicable to children, along with hands-on activities to reinforce the concepts that are taught.
Based on 2 Timothy 2:15, "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth," Awana curriculum is geared for each age group through 6th grade, focusing on memorization of scripture. Students are awarded Awana uniforms and patches as they complete each section of their books. Awana troops meet on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:45 pm during the school year.
Participants are grouped into four segments:
Puggles <4 years old,
Cubbies 4-5 years old,
Sparks, K-2nd grade,
T&T (Truth and Training) 3rd-6th grades
Vacation Bible School
Seizing the casual days of summer to bolster the faith of elementary-school-aged kids isn't just a wise activity but also one completely infused with laughter and fun. Never a dull moment or a missed opportunity to encourage not only the kids who are participating but the adults that serve, too, this annual event is a must-attend. VBS 2022 is set for July 11-15 and meets from 9 am to noon that week.