Sunday School

9:15 am on Sundays

Designed to allow participative study of Biblical truths, most classes are organized by age, allowing participants to share experiences that are more common to a particular stage of life. Other classes are multi-generational and enjoy the insights that come from a variety of perspectives. Regardless of the approach you find most appealing, you’ll discover opportunities for deep study, lasting friendships, valuable accountability, and incredibly loving support.  

  • Babies, Toddlers, and Pre-K

    Providing childcare while also teaching Biblical foundations to kids 5 years old and younger. Also includes childcare for infants.

  • Children (Grades Kindergarten thru 5th)

    Utilizing curriculum designed to meet the growing needs of elementary-aged kids and enabling the truth of God’s word to be planted in their hearts and minds, children experience love and support from each other and their teachers.

  • Youth (Grades 6th thru 12th)

    Equipping teens to use Biblical truth in tackling the tough situations prevalent in our culture today. They begin their time with a few minutes together as a whole group with announcements and prayer, then divide up into Middle School (6th-8th) taught by Hosteen and Nikki Walsh, and High School (9th-12th) taught by Michael Kingston for a time of diving deeper into God's Word.

  • Young Adults

    Tackling life issues that are fresh and new, this exciting group of young adults study God's Word together and seek to apply it to their daily lives as they navigate new jobs, new independence, and even new families. (Generally 18 - 29 years of age) 

  • Adults

    Whether single or married, members of this class expand and apply solid Biblical knowledge to the joys and challenges associated with establishing their own homes, careers, relationships, and parenting. Taught by Paul McNeall and Edgard Torres. (Generally 30- to 50-year olds)

  • Adults

    Thorough discussion of Bible truths sets the foundation for this group of men and women as they engage in study, prayer, and support of one another. Taught by Willard Lyons. (Generally 50+ year olds)

  • Adults

    Practical application and engaging discussions of various Biblical lessons, utilizing the quarterly curriculum. Taught by Mike Dershem. (Generally 50+ year olds)

  • Adults

    Deep dives into Biblical concepts and the application of truth in a fallen world. Taught by Tom Holland. (Various ages)

  • Adults

    Through engaging discussions this group dives deep and discusses how to apply the Word to their everyday lives. Taught by Jeremy Norton. (Various ages)